Crane Evolution

Hot Drink Vending Machine


High quality coffee drinks for the office and workplace.

Crane’s Evolution range offers an incredibly versatile drinks vending solution. The machines are capable of housing instant hot drinks, freshley brewed hot drinks, full flavoured bean to cup selections (B2C), and even cold drinks. The Evolution range also has a power saving mode to lower energy consumption whilst keeping the machines “vend ready”.

The Evolution is available in two models: Evolution Freshbrew and Evolution B2C.

KEY FEATURES:Choice of keypad (build-a-drink or numeric)

  • SureVend™ system guarantees drink delivery only on cup detection

  • Large cup capacity (approx. 600 7oz cups)

  • Three dispense positions for hot drinks, cold drinks, and hot water

  • Separate dispensers prevent cross contamination

  • Compact paperless double brewer for freshbrew or tea drinks (Freshbrew model)

  • Low pressure freshbrew and high pressure bean drinks from compact CoEx® brewer (B2C model)

Crane Evolution Technical Details


Height: 1830mm
Width: 660mm
Depth: 740mm

Contact us for more information